Scatter/Gather in a CWL Workflow
Teaching: 5 min
Exercises: 0 minQuestions
How can I parallelize running of tools in a workflow?
Learn how to scatter steps of a CWL workflow.
This workflow uses a real life example of open-source CWL CommandLineTools from Dockstore.
CWL Workflows can scatter array inputs to run in parallel within the same step and gather all the outputs together to be used in subsequent steps. It’s similar to GNU parallel in that it will execute all jobs in parallel using a single script and multiple input arguments.
Use the ScatterFeatureRequirement in the requirements section of a workflow to begin enabling scattering in a single step.
ScatterFeatureRequirement: {}
Exercise 1
In this workflow, we have a job that uses GATK Haplotype Caller. Currently, the job is configured to run on a single chromosome. How would you parallelize
to run all chromosomes simultaneously?cwlVersion: v1.0 class: Workflow requirements: ScatterFeatureRequirement: {} inputs: bam: File chromosome: string outputs: HaplotypeCaller_VCF: type: File outputSource: GATK_HaplotypeCaller/vcf steps: GATK_HaplotypeCaller: run: GATK_HaplotypeCaller.cwl in: input_bam: bam intervals: chromosome out: [vcf]
Given that we need to scatter on an array of chromosomes, we changed the chromosome input variable to become a string array. Following that, in the steps section, the scatter function on the intervals is added so GATK
will run on each chromosome. Finally, in the outputs section, the final output will be an array of VCFs.cwlVersion: v1.0 class: Workflow requirements: ScatterFeatureRequirement: {} inputs: bam: File chromosomes: string[] outputs: HaplotypeCaller_VCFs: type: File[] outputSource: GATK_HaplotypeCaller/vcf steps: GATK_HaplotypeCaller: run: GATK_HaplotypeCaller.cwl scatter: [intervals] in: input_bam: bam intervals: chromosomes out: [vcf]
GATK will take the array of chromosome strings, and then using it’s intervals input option, create multiple VCFs, one for each chromosome. All these jobs will be run in parallel, and run on as maybe compute nodes available.
TODO: Add diagram of how the job will run
Key Points